Duke Roberts was born in 1987, Central London, England, United Kingdom. His mother's name was Linda and she was a primary school teacher. His father's name was David and he was a plumber. Duke Robert's a converted LDS Church Member (his mother was christian and father was anglican). He graduated from University of London with master's degree in Global Diplomacy and African Studies and heritage. Whatever, whenever, wherever you read in this site is true. Politicians lie. But D. Roberts will never become a politician. He would never outstretch his greedy, greasy hand over your cash, your kids, your house and your banks. He just would not do it. He is christian. He is a good person too. He donates to charity. He sings carolls.

His political views can be definied as:
Anti-land lords, anti-imperialism, anti-war,
anti-capitalism, anti-totalitarianism, anti-lgbt ideology,
anti-alcohol, anti-drugs, anti-modern churches.

Nazis, Fascists, Communists, Nazbols, Anarchists, Libertarians, Ancaps, Ancoms, Monarchists, Rupaul, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Jack Straw, Donald Trump, Gerhard Schroeder, Tony Blair, Boris Yeltsin, Hilary Clinton, Tipper Gore, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bashar al-Assad, Isaias Afewerki, Koch Brothers, George Soros, Queen Elizabeth II, Nancy Pelosi, Kim Kardashian, Hugo Chávez, Sarah Palin, Silvio Berlusconi, Mike Pence, Prince Andrew, Nick Kroll, Elizabeth Warren, Nicolas Sarkozy, Madeline Albright, Elon Musk, Marine Le Pen, Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, Ron Paul, Martin Shkreli, John Paul II, Warren Buffett, Mahatma Gandhi, Volodymyr Zelensky, Tomi Lahren, Robert Mugabe, Jimmy Carter, Alan Dershowitz, AOC, Elizabeth Holmes, Susan Wojcicki, Wladimir Putin, General Pinochet, Jarosław Kaczyński, Emmanuel Macron, Jeff Bezos, Pope Francis, CIA, Simon Cowell, Jack Ma, Ben Shapiro, Mark Zuckerberg, United States of America, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, Alexander Lukashenko, Mitt Romney, Marina Abramović, Richard Nixon, Jamie Dimon, Viktor Orbán, John Lennon, Saturday Night Live, Tucker Carlson, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Morrissey, Sylvi Listhaug, Paul A. Walker, Jordan Peterson, Dmitry Medvedev, Jeremy Kyle, Ivanka Trump, Xi Jinping, Les Wexner, Joe Biden, Oscar Wilde, Bono, Charlton Heston, Jeffrey Epstein, Kylie Jenner, Rhonda Byrne, Ted Cruz, Kyrsten Sinema, Piers Morgan, Than Shwe, Ruhollah Khomeini, Dick Cheney, Jair Bolsonaro, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Harlan Ullman, Jerry Springer James Woolsey, Saddam Hussain, Ronald Reagan, Brigitte Bardot, Margaret Thatcher, Fidel Castro, Paulo Coehlo, Kamala Harris, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Donald Rumsfeld, Woody Allen, Rupert Murdoch, Alex Jones, Zbigniew Brzeziński, Boris Johnson, Colin Powell, Mswati III, Katie Hopkins,

Goodbye, bye bye, all bye bye!

Duke Roberts, BP House, Victoria Street, London, SW1 dukebobby87@aol.com